Pink Flower on White Marble

$3.08 per Invitation
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Product Description

This elegant baby shower invitation features a beautiful white marble background with pink flowers on the upper left and bottom right corners. A golden frame in the center adds a touch of sophistication, while the top of the invitation reads "Baby Shower" followed by the name of the newborn or child. All the important information including the location, date, and time of the event is also included.

Product Discounts

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25+ Invitations15% $$2.62 Per Invitation ($$0.46 Off)
50+ Invitations25% $$2.31 Per Invitation ($$0.77 Off)
100+ Invitations40% $$1.85 Per Invitation ($$1.23 Off)
250+ Invitations45% $$1.69 Per Invitation ($$1.39 Off)
1000+ Invitations50% $$1.54 Per Invitation ($$1.54 Off)