Game Lamb Who Said It? Mom or Dad?

$3.92 per Invitation
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Product Description

Come check out our latest Baby Shower Game, "Who said it? Mom or Dad?" This customizable game is perfect for any baby shower celebration. Enter your desired title and watch as your unique game comes to life. In this game, guests will try to guess which parent said each of the statements listed on the game sheet. It's a fun and interactive activity that will make your guests laugh and have a good time. Make your baby shower one to remember with our "Who said it? Mom or Dad?" game.

Product Discounts

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25+ Invitations15% $$3.33 Per Invitation ($$0.59 Off)
50+ Invitations25% $$2.94 Per Invitation ($$0.98 Off)
100+ Invitations40% $$2.35 Per Invitation ($$1.57 Off)
250+ Invitations45% $$2.16 Per Invitation ($$1.76 Off)
1000+ Invitations50% $$1.96 Per Invitation ($$1.96 Off)