White Rose Bouquet

$3.07 per Invitation
Get it for only $$1.84 per invitation and save 40%. Learn How

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Product Description

A unique white rose floral-themed set of Invitation cards tailored specifically to celebrate your future baby shower. The reverse side features elegant stripes of white and winter-green with a spot for the registry information. All elements of this item are unlocked and customizable by using the customization function. Enjoy being creative and making it your own.

Product Discounts

Order Save New Price
25+ Invitations15% $$2.61 Per Invitation ($$0.46 Off)
50+ Invitations25% $$2.30 Per Invitation ($$0.77 Off)
100+ Invitations40% $$1.84 Per Invitation ($$1.23 Off)
250+ Invitations45% $$1.69 Per Invitation ($$1.38 Off)
1000+ Invitations50% $$1.54 Per Invitation ($$1.54 Off)