Cute Elephant and His Friends

$2.32 per Invitation
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Product Description

Happy peaceful image of a little elephant with his friend, a bird, on its head and the sun is smiling over them. I drew the doodle art of the animals and the sun. And painted the rainbow. Then I put them together with Photoshop. Change the texts for you by clicking the custom button. Also customize the color and the style of the texts, color of background of the card, as you wish.

Product Discounts

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25+ Invitations15% $$1.97 Per Invitation ($$0.35 Off)
50+ Invitations25% $$1.74 Per Invitation ($$0.58 Off)
100+ Invitations40% $$1.39 Per Invitation ($$0.93 Off)
250+ Invitations45% $$1.28 Per Invitation ($$1.04 Off)
1000+ Invitations50% $$1.16 Per Invitation ($$1.16 Off)